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Ce n’est pas la première fois que j’achète des fondants au chocolat. À mon avis, ce sont les meilleurs sur le marché.
Jocelyne Ancona
savoureux, quel beau travail pour un pur moment de délices : merci
Martine Beaudoin
Trop bon
Lisa Russell
Fête d’anniversaire
Mon fils est américain mais en tant qu’étudiant à Montréal - il vit actuellement à Westmount. Je cherchais sur ligne quelques délices pas comme les autres pour fêter son anniversaire…des pâtisseries françaises et uniques! J’en ai trouvé toute une collection chez Juliette & Chocolat et la livraison chez lui était offerte aussi. Il en était super surpris et absolument ravi. Il n’oubliera jamais cet anniversaire au Québec et il est parti chez le magasin (Juliette et Chocolat) depuis. Merci à tous qui a rendu cette surprise possible. 5 étoiles!
Crunchy bomb covered with our mix of milk chocolate and oven-roasted hazelnut bits.
We created our bomb collection with the goal of offering you the dreamiest sweet treat out there. It’s the perfect treat when you want to enjoy a little moment of pleasure, put everything on pause and savour something truly delectable. It’s the treat you’ll reach for when those insatiable chocolate cravings hit. And for us, that’s quite often!
The bomb combines everything we’re crazy about: a crunchy shell that crackles in your mouth, a creamy molten centre, an intense burst of chocolate... Is your mouth watering too?
Appréciation du rocher croustillant praliné au chocolat au lait et noisettes caramélisées
J'ai tout adoré, la texture croustillante, le goût sucré et salé. Génial, c'était parfait en bouche, un vrai délice.
Manon Larivière
Un délice pour les papilles!
Zulyma Munozdiaz
Excellente attention
Félicitation à tout l'équipe de Juliette & Chocolat, votre service est vraiment exceptionnel. En concernant à votre Rocher croustillant praliné son goût, sa texture et la combinaison des ingrédients est formidable, une très bonne option à partager et à offrir.
Un vrai délice!
Trop bon ! J’aime la texture, c’est moelleux et le goût.
La tablette de chocolat blanc aux éclats de citron pétillant
5 reviews
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Une tablette de chocolat blanc, avec des éclats de citron et de pétillant !
Cette tablette est composée de chocolat blanc lisse et onctueux, dans lequel nous avons coulé des éclats de citron très acidulés, pour un contraste sucré/suret. Et pour couronner le tout, nous avons rajouté des petits éclats pétillants, qui sautent sur la langue et mettent la bouche en fête. C'est une tablette délicieuse et surprenante qui vaut le détour !
Vous pouvez la retrouver parmi toute notre gamme de tablettes de chocolat en restaurant et sur notre boutique en ligne. Pour plus de gourmandise, vous pouvez la retrouver dans nos coffrets de 3 ou 5 tablettes que vous pouvez composer vous-même.
Pour bien finir son repas, nous vous conseillons de toujours prendre un petit carreau de chocolat !
Ingrédients : chocolat (sucre, beurre de cacao, poudre de lait entier, émulsifiant : lécithine de soja, vanille), sucre pétillant (sucre, sirop de glucose, dioxide de carbone, lactose, eau), acide citrique, poudre de citron lyophilisé, arôme naturel de citron. Contient: lait, soya. Peut contenir : blé, gluten, sésame, arachides et autres noix.
J’adore son goût rafraîchissant et le crépitement des bonbons dans ma bouche. Quel bel accord avec le vin bù splendido également
Bonjour Mélissa,
Nous sommes ravis que vous ayez apprécié le savoureux mélange du vin de Bù et de notre chocolat blanc pétillant au citron.
Belle journée !
Michelle Deslauriers
Excellent !
Une expérience transcendante!
Le seul mot qui me vient: Expérience. Ce simple chocolat vous fera voyager vers une autre dimension, une expérience jusqu'alors inconnue. Tout simplement parmi les meilleurs chocolats blancs que j'aie goûtés. Voisine avec les meilleures truffles artisanales suisse au champagne.
Oh merci beaucoup pour votre retour. Cela nous fait extrêmement plaisir !
La tablette de chocolat noir du Pérou
2 reviews
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Cette tablette est confectionnée avec un chocolat noir à 65% de cacao en provenance du Pérou, qui a une amertume douce et des notes acidulées de fruits rouges. C’est l’un de nos chocolats préférés, long en bouche et crémeux, et particulièrement bien équilibré. Une tablette de chocolat classique qui plaît à coup sûr à tous les amateurs de cacao : du chocolat pur sans ajout d'autres saveurs pour garder l'authenticité de celui-ci.
Vous retrouverez cette tablette de chocolat parmi toute notre offre. Nos tablettes sont vendues individuellement ou en boxes pour les plus gourmands qui souhaitent faire durer le plaisir ou tout simplement l'offrir à leurs proches.
Une vie sans chocolat est une vie où il manque l'essentiel ! Et nous vous le confirmons !
Ingrédients : pâte de cacao, sucre, beurre de cacao, vanille. Peut contenir : lait, blé, soya, gluten, arachides et autres noix.
Ce chocolat est un doux équilibre avec le bon goût du cacao sans être trop sucré.
La tablette de chocolat noir sans sucre
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Découvrez notre nouvelle tablette de chocolat noir 54 % sans sucre. Retrouvez toutes les saveurs d'un chocolat noir intense et soyeux sans sucre ajouté pour conserver son arôme. Il est sans sucre parce que tout le monde devrait pouvoir profiter de ce chocolat parfait !
Cette tablette est disponible individuellement ou en coffret de 3 ou 5 pour tous les amateurs de chocolat qui en veulent toujours plus et surtout qui ne savent pas se décider pour quelle saveur opter.
Et n'oubliez pas : neuf personnes sur dix aiment le chocolat, la dixième ment !
Les Brownies de Juliette (Juliette's Brownies)
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Delivery: Canada, United States, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland.
Juliette Brun, the founder of Juliette & Chocolat, shares in this book her favorite brownie recipes, from classics such as the triple chocolate brownie or the Nutty Brownie, to her craziest inventions such as the bacon brownie.
This book includes recipes for every taste and every occasion, from the Movie Night Brownie to the chic Red Wine brownie. It has fruity brownie, caramel brownies, decadent brownies, and even reasonable brownies such as the Vegan Brownie or the Dark Chocolate and avocado brownie, for those who wish to watch their calories!
Please note that as of yet this book is only available in French.
It comes signed by Juliette; you will be asked before check-out for the text you wish to be written by Juliette in the book before it is shipped out.
About Juliette:
French, born in Brazil, it’s in Quebec that Juliette Brun founded Juliette & Chocolat. Businesswoman, mother of five and inventive chef, Juliette loves to share her culinary passion.
LES BROWNIES DE JULIETTE Juliette Brun Les Éditions La Presse 9 mars 2020 200 pages Format : 7 1/2 x 10 po ISBN : 978-2-89705-907-1
Juliette's book + 200 g of Belgian dark chocolate as a GIFT!
1 review
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Receive Juliette's recipe book and as a gift 200 g of Belgian 55% cocoa dark semi-sweet chocolate to start cooking! Spend some rewarding time in the kitchen and treat yourself to a sweet moment with Juliette's secrets and her chocolate! All you'll need is some eggs, sugar, butter and flour to get started on most recipes!
Juliette Brun, the founder of Juliette & Chocolat, shares in this book her favorite brownie recipes, from classics such as the triple chocolate brownie or the Nutty Brownie, to her craziest inventions such as the bacon brownie.
This book includes recipes for every taste and every occasion, from the Movie Night Brownie to the chic Red Wine brownie. It has fruity brownie, caramel brownies, decadent brownies, and even reasonable brownies such as the Vegan Brownie or the Dark Chocolate and avocado brownie, for those who wish to watch their calories!
Please note that as of yet this book is only available in French.
The book will be delivered to you with 200g of dark 55% cocoa chocolate.
About Juliette:
French, born in Brazil, it’s in Quebec that Juliette Brun founded Juliette & Chocolat. Businesswoman, mother of five and inventive chef, Juliette loves to share her culinary passion.
LES BROWNIES DE JULIETTE Juliette Brun Les Éditions La Presse 9 mars 2020 200 pages Format : 7 1/2 x 10 po ISBN : 978-2-89705-907-1
Livraison rapide. Nous attendons les commentaires de nos employées qui recevront votre livre comme cadeau de Noël corporatif. Personnellement je suis enchantée de ce livre.
The Intense Brownie Collection
59 reviews
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Save $-29.10
The Signature box of Brownies by Juliette! 6 intense brownies, presented in a pretty craft box.
The Tartinette: the Cocoa & Hazelnut Spread - 500g jar
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Do you love madly, truly, deeply the Tartinette?
This 500g jar is for you and your family.
Roasted hazelnuts and cacao, made 100% local and palm oil-free.
Enjoy it by the spoonful, with fresh bread, for dessert or for breakfast. We even like to add it to our yogurt or fresh fruit for a little extra sweetness!
All of our spreads are handmade in our chocolate laboratory and are gluten-free so that all gourmets can enjoy them!
Made with ingredients that do not contain gluten, but may contain traces of gluten
Speculoos pronounced “speck-you-lows”, also known as Saint Nicholas cookies, are spiced shortbread cookies that originate in Belgium. Although everyone has a different variation of the cookie, the most common distinct ingredients are: cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger and, of course, butter. The cookies are divine and can be used to create brilliant recipes such as cheesecakes, chocolate bonbons, crumbles, ice-cream cookie sandwiches and so much more. Our spread is therefore very tasty and will satisfy all those with a sweet tooth. The caramel touch creates a delicious balance and tickles your taste buds.
It was made by hand in our chocolate laboratory in Longueuil. You can find it online but also in all our restaurants.
Ingredients: Cream 35% (cream, carrageenan) • Sugars (sugar, glucose) • Speculoos paste (wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil, brown sugar syrup, sodium bicarbonate, soy flour, salt, cinnamon, citric acid ) • Butter • Water • Salt. Contains: Milk, Wheat, Soy. May contain: peanuts and other nuts.
A crunchy confection made with
Belgian milk chocolate, spéculoos paste,
and puffed rice.
A little cube of sweet and crunchy
happiness that marries the smoothness of milk chocolate with the unique spiced
flavor of spéculoos.
This confection is crafted in our
Chocolate Lab; we lay down our spéculoos praline
in large sheets, which we cut in perfect little cubes, that we then pass
through a curtain of melted chocolate, for a final layer of smooth milk
To make our spéculoos paste, we
grind into a smooth paste those famous Belgian cookies spiced with cinnamon,
cloves, nutmeg, and ginger. It’s this paste that gives our rochers their particular
caramelized notes that linger on the tongue.
Appréciation du rocher croustillant praliné au spéculoos
C'est excellent, tout est bien dosé. C'était parfait en bouche, un vrai délice.
Marie-Eve Desjardins
Tout simplement délicieux!
Le fondant du chocolat, le craquant du riz soufflé et le petit coup de fouet des épices des biscuits spéculoos font de ce rocher un délice incontournable!
Marie-Berthe Laporte
Je n'y ai pas goûter encore. J'ATTENDS UNE OCCASION SPÉCIALE COMME l'Action de grâce
Hot chocolate BOMB! – raspberry flavor
4 reviews
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A chocolate sphere that holds a hot chocolate mix, to melt
in very hot milk for a delicious hot chocolate!
The raspberry bomb has a shell of milk chocolate, and holds inside
dark chocolate, cocoa, and raspberries with marshmallows.
Pour very hot milk on your bomb, and watch it melt and
release its content! Stir well for a rich and flavorful hot chocolate!
An original way to transform a hot chocolate into a fun moment!
tout était parfait, du beau travail et proffessionnel
Merci , très apprécié.
Hot chocolate BOMB! – praline flavor
7 reviews
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A milk chocolate sphere that holds a hot chocolate mix, to
melt in very hot milk for a delicious hot chocolate!
The praline bomb has a shell of Belgian 33% milk chocolate
with toasted hazelnut bits, and holds inside hazelnut praline, cocoa, and marshmallows.
Pour very hot milk on your bomb, and watch it melt and
release its content! Stir well for a rich and flavorful hot chocolate with
lingering hazelnut notes!
An original way to transform a hot chocolate into a fun moment!
A gift set that brings together some of
our most popular sweets and treats, with an emphasis on milk chocolate!
This set contains:
-a gift box of 6 brownies (intense
brownie, classic brownie, Smore’s brownie, vegan brownie, ivory brownie, and
pecan brownie)
-a milk chocolate and praline hot
chocolate bomb
-a milk chocolate fondue, 215g
-a milk chocolate bar, Ghana vintage 40%
cocoa vintage
-a jar of salted caramel
-a large milk chocolate and salted
caramel bar to break
A gift set to melt with our heavenly brownies,
to travel through your taste buds with the Ghana dark chocolate bar, to let off some steam with
by breaking the large milk chocolate bar and crunchy caramel with the hammer
(included), to be surprised by the milk chocolate bomb that opens to release
marshmallows, to cocoon with a smooth milk chocolate fondue, and to savor the
sweet and savory contrast of our famous salted caramel.
Save on these sweets as combined in
this gift set and treat a loved one to an extravagance of milk chocolate!
The ideal gift set: instant gratification
with our famous salted caramel, and delayed gratification with Juliette’s brownie
recipe book and Belgian milk and dark chocolate to cook and prolong the
This gift set contains:
-Juliette’s cookbook Les brownies de
Juliette (in French only)
-a pouch of Belgian dark chocolate
-a pouch of Belgian milk chocolate
-a jar of salted caramel
A gift set discover Juliette’s favorite brownie
recipes and her cooking secrets and test her recipes with smooth milk and dark
chocolate. Save on these sweets with this gift set!
For fans of cookies, here is as gift set that brings together
our famously delicious monster cookies as well as a cooking mix to make the
best chocolate chip cookies at home! And for an extra dose of sweetness we
included a jar of our delicious salted caramel and a small praline rocher with crunchy
roasted hazelnuts.
This gift set includes:
-a box of 6 monster cookies with molten hearts (two Cookie-Garou
with chocolate heart, a Snow Monster cookie with marshmallow heart, a Frankencookie
with praline heart, a Dracookie with strawberry heart, and a Cookizilla with peanut
butter heart)
-a chocolate chip cookie mix
-a crunchy praline rocher
-a jar of slated caramel
Ideal for those who wish to pursue a passion for cookies (and
who doesn’t) with unique cookies with big hearts and home-made warm chocolate
chip cookies.
A cooking
mix to make at home fresh and warm French madeleines.
This cooking mix will yield about 18 madeleines, to enjoy still
warm with a coffee or a hot chocolate!
Please note that to get the traditional madeleine shape you
will need a madeleine mold!
The history of the madeleine:
The story goes that the madeleine was created in 1755, in
France, at the Castle of Commercy. The Duke Stanislas was entertaining illustrious
guests and asked his cook to invent a new dessert for the occasion. She came up
with a small, light cake which she cooked in a scallop shell.
The guests were so enamored with this invention that the
Duke, as a sign of his gratitude towards his cook, gave the cake her name:
The madeleine with its traditional shape has become a
classic of French pastry. It is especially delicious out of the oven, still
warm, dipped in a bowl of hot chocolate.
Nous avons essayé les madeleines trempé dans la fondue au chocolat noir c’était très délicieux. J’ajoute une goutte de vrai vanille c’est excellent mais même sans vanille ils sont trop bons ce congèle très bien et reste moelleux et pas sec après décongeler nous avons tellement aimé que nous en avons commandé 5 boîtes rien avoir avec ceux vendus en épicerie.
Nous avons fait les madeleines et nous nous sommes casser le ventre! C’était excellent. J’avais déjà essayé d’en faire avec une recette. Ça n’a rien donné d’aussi bon! Nous en rachèterons certainement 🥰
Dark chocolate chip cookie mix
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A cooking
mix to make at home the best dark chocolate chip cookies, rich and fudgy.
The cookie
mix will yield approximately 18 cookies that are crunchy on the outside and
soft and moist on the inside, to savor warm out of the oven!
The history of cookies:
Cookies are as old as baking. During the Middle Ages they
were hard and nourishing and were popular as an easy to carry snack for
travelling. When the use of sugar became wide-spread, cookies started resembling
our modern cookies and gained in popularity.
When chocolate started being used in cooking in the 19th
century, the addition of chocolate chips created the modern recipe. Today,
cookies are one of the most popular treats: rich and indulgent, they bring
memories of childhood.
Tellement bons ces biscuits, un succès à chaque fois!!!
French crepe mix
3 reviews
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A cooking
mix to make at home thin golden crepes in the French tradition.
This crepe
mix yields approximately 15 thin crepes, the prefect dessert to enjoy with
caramel, chocolate, fruits, or simply sugar and a little lemon juice!
The history of the crepe:
The thin and golden crepe is a specialty of Brittany in
France, where it is served with caramel, lemon and sugar, or simply butter.
Crepes were traditionally cooked to celebrate Candlemas and
the end of Winter on February 2nd.
Cooks would flip their pancakes with one hand and hold a coin in the
other hand: if the crepe fell back in the pan, it was a sign of wealth for the
year to come.
Les crêpes sont excellentes! Lisses, en bonnes quantités pour le prix, bon goût et simple à préparer. C’est ma deuxième commande mais non la dernière. Merci !
Janik Léveillée
Crêpes bretonnes décadentes
J’ai eu un peu de difficulté au début. Le mélange était très liquide selon les indications indiquées sur la boîte. J’ai donc perdu une bonne partie du mélange la première fois! Puis j’ai mis moins de liquide qu’indiqué, lors d’un deuxième essai, et les crêpes étaient alors excellentes! Lisses, en bonnes quantités pour le prix, bon goût et simple à préparer.
Brussels waffle mix
3 reviews
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A cooking
mix to make at home fresh Brussels-style waffles, crunchy on the outside and
moist on the inside.
This cooking mix will yield approximately 6 waffles 7 inches
in diameter (a waffle iron is necessary to cook them!), to enjoy with fruits,
melted chocolate, maple syrup, or for savory waffles with ham and cheese.
The history of the Brussels waffle:
The Brussels waffle, very light and airy, is sold warm on
every street corner in the Belgian capital, served with all sorts of garnishes:
icing sugar, whipped cream, chocolate, and fruits.
Its creation goes back to the Middle Ages; when it was
traditionally cooked for New Year and served as a treat to children. It’s now a
classic that has conquered the globe.
A kit to make your own chocolate lollipops at home!
Everything you need to make milk chocolate chocolate lollipops:
a chocolate mold, lollipop sticks, 200g of Belgian milk chocolate, and complete
instructions. Spend fun moments learning how to work easily with chocolate and
treat yourself!
The milk chocolate included in this kit will make
approximately 10 lollipops. The mold included is reusable, you can get more chocolate
and use it again and again.
Please note the aspect of the chocolate mold can vary according
to availability.
Est-ce qu’on doit faire le tempérage du votre chocolat?
Merci pour votre réponse.
Le chocolat est déjà tempéré, donc si vous le faites fondre doucement au micro-onde il gardera son tempérage. Faites-le fondre a moitie, puis laissez-le reposer en mélangeant toutes les quelques minutes, jusqu’à ce qu’il soit complètement fondu. En figeant de nouveau dans le moule il sera tempéré!
Chocolate-caramel brittle: coffee and almonds
2 reviews
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Save $-8.25
Crunchy shards of our salted caramel dipped in dark
chocolate, with inclusions of almonds and crushed coffee beans.
To make these brittles we start by making our famous salted
caramel, which we cook extra-long so that when we pour it, it hardens into
beautiful golden sheets. We then pour chocolate over the hardened caramel and
mix into the chocolate roasted almonds and crushed coffee beans.
The result is a delicious combination of hard brittle
caramel, silky dark chocolate, and bitter coffee, for an irresistible snack you
won’t be able to put down!
Picked a bag up at my local Winners where the specialty food/ spice aisle is always well stalked. I noticed this because my guilty pleasure is peanut brittle. This is a must try, then hide it because although it’s decadent beyond what your brain is able to comprehend, you might not want to share.
I look forward to trying other items. Thank you Juliette!!
Marie-Berthe Laporte
Bonsoir. Je ne les ai pas mangé car je les garde pour les fêtes Merci
Chocolate-caramel brittle: white chocolate and orange
5 reviews
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Of all our brittles, this one is the most original: sweet
and creamy white chocolate around bitter orange zests and crunchy caramel
shards, for a delicious balance.
We let caramel sheets harden then we sprinkle orange zests and
pour Belgian white chocolate over them before breaking them into crunchy brittle
These brittles make for a delicious snacking treat that’s at
ounce sweet and bitter, crunchy and smooth!
Ces éclats sont bons, assez sucrés mais l'orange fait un équilibre avec le sucre.
For a present, love these
Incredible taste!
Chocolate-caramel brittle: hazelnut and puffed rice
3 reviews
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Crunchy pieces of caramel and milk chocolate, with roasted hazelnuts
and puffed rice.
These brittles are made in our Chocolate Lab with sheets of
our crunchy caramel that we dip in Belgian milk chocolate full of roasted
hazelnuts and crispy puffed rice.
Our brittles are an intensely chocolatey treat full of nutty
flavor that are sure to make you swoon!
Chocolate-caramel brittle: hazelnut and puffed rice
6 reviews
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Crunchy pieces of caramel and milk chocolate, with roasted hazelnuts
and puffed rice.
These brittles are made in our Chocolate Lab with sheets of
our crunchy caramel that we dip in Belgian milk chocolate full of roasted
hazelnuts and crispy puffed rice.
Our brittles are an intensely chocolatey treat full of nutty
flavor that are sure to make you swoon!
A chocolate bar of smooth dark Belgian chocolate with red berries: strawberries, raspberries and cranberries. The smooth bitterness of the rich dark chocolate pairs perfectly with the acidity and freshness of the red berries.
Perfect to say "I love you berry much!" this bar comes in a fun envelope that can be personalized for a sweet gift.
This chocolate bar is part of our collection of exclusive bars, also available in gift boxes of 3 or 5 bars. Not everyone always wants dessert, but there’s always room for a little square of chocolate goodness!
Cette tablette de chocolat est succulente et je ne me sens pas trop coupable lorsque j'en mange car c'est du chocolat noir.
Mon Année Chocolat – the recipe book
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Please note that as of yet this book is only available in French.
Juliette Brun, chocolatier and founder of Juliette & Chocolat, shares her family recipes around chocolate. Sweet and savory recipes, to eat chocolate all year long, whatever the occasion!
You want to make a chocolate souffle but the word "souffle" scares you? With Juliette's simple recipe, it'll become a new weekday classic! You want to enjoy a date night at home with a chocolate martini? Juliette has you covered! You'd like to introduce your children to some basic pastry concepts? This book has easy, fun and foolproof recipes!
And for the more adventurous, there's the chocolate pulled pork, the spicy chocolate turkey, even cocoa oysters! With Juliette, it's chocolate all year round!
About Juliette:
French, born in Brazil, it’s in Quebec that Juliette Brun founded Juliette & Chocolat. Businesswoman, mother of five and inventive chef, Juliette loves to share her culinary passion.
Mon Année Chocolat Juliette Brun Les Éditions de l'Homme Parution le 29 mars 2023 198 pages Format : 7 1/2 x 9 1/2 po ISBN : 978-2-7619-6151-6
Delivery: Canada, United States, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland.
Plusieurs recettes sont à essayer et j’ai bien hâte
natalie brazeau
Livre de recette nécessaire
J’ai acheté ce livre de recettes pour ajouté à ma collection!
Une livre facile a suivre et très délicieux!!
Félicitations du deuxième livres et j’attends pour la prochaine !!!!
Red Velvet Brownie
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Our Valentine's Day favorite brownie!
It's a two-layer brownie, the first layer made with
bittersweet chocolate and raspberry, and the second layer with cream cheese.
The result is a soft, slightly tangy, fruity, and very indulgent blend to
celebrate the day of love with sweetness!
The red velvet brownie is crafted in our Chocolate Workshop
with bittersweet Belgian chocolate.
It is also available in a box of 6, as well
as in a combined box with our Intense Brownie.