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La tablette de chocolat blanc aux éclats de citron pétillant
5 reviews
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Save $-8.79
Une tablette de chocolat blanc, avec des éclats de citron et de pétillant !
Cette tablette est composée de chocolat blanc lisse et onctueux, dans lequel nous avons coulé des éclats de citron très acidulés, pour un contraste sucré/suret. Et pour couronner le tout, nous avons rajouté des petits éclats pétillants, qui sautent sur la langue et mettent la bouche en fête. C'est une tablette délicieuse et surprenante qui vaut le détour !
Vous pouvez la retrouver parmi toute notre gamme de tablettes de chocolat en restaurant et sur notre boutique en ligne. Pour plus de gourmandise, vous pouvez la retrouver dans nos coffrets de 3 ou 5 tablettes que vous pouvez composer vous-même.
Pour bien finir son repas, nous vous conseillons de toujours prendre un petit carreau de chocolat !
Ingrédients : chocolat (sucre, beurre de cacao, poudre de lait entier, émulsifiant : lécithine de soja, vanille), sucre pétillant (sucre, sirop de glucose, dioxide de carbone, lactose, eau), acide citrique, poudre de citron lyophilisé, arôme naturel de citron. Contient: lait, soya. Peut contenir : blé, gluten, sésame, arachides et autres noix.
J’adore son goût rafraîchissant et le crépitement des bonbons dans ma bouche. Quel bel accord avec le vin bù splendido également
Bonjour Mélissa,
Nous sommes ravis que vous ayez apprécié le savoureux mélange du vin de Bù et de notre chocolat blanc pétillant au citron.
Belle journée !
Michelle Deslauriers
Excellent !
Une expérience transcendante!
Le seul mot qui me vient: Expérience. Ce simple chocolat vous fera voyager vers une autre dimension, une expérience jusqu'alors inconnue. Tout simplement parmi les meilleurs chocolats blancs que j'aie goûtés. Voisine avec les meilleures truffles artisanales suisse au champagne.
Oh merci beaucoup pour votre retour. Cela nous fait extrêmement plaisir !
Sea Salt Caramel Dark Chocolate Bar
2 reviews
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Save $-8.79
This chocolate bar is made from rich and smooth 56% cocoa dark chocolate and studded with shards of our hard sea salt caramel.
We like to savor this bar by letting a chocolate square melt on the tongue until only the caramel is left. The result is meltingly sweet and rich, then crunchy and salty.
This chocolate bar is part of our collection of 9 exclusive bars, also available in gift boxes of 3 or 5 bars. Not everyone always wants dessert, but there’s always room for a little square of chocolate goodness!
Made with ingredients that do not contain gluten, but may contain traces of gluten
Ingredients: Dark chocolate 56% (cocoa paste, sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifier: soy lecithin, vanilla), butter, sugar, glucose, fleur de sel, natural vanilla flavor. Contain: milk, soy. May contain: wheat, gluten peanuts and other nuts.
A chocolate bar of smooth dark Belgian chocolate with red berries: strawberries, raspberries and cranberries. The smooth bitterness of the rich dark chocolate pairs perfectly with the acidity and freshness of the red berries.
Perfect to say "I love you berry much!" this bar comes in a fun envelope that can be personalized for a sweet gift.
This chocolate bar is part of our collection of exclusive bars, also available in gift boxes of 3 or 5 bars. Not everyone always wants dessert, but there’s always room for a little square of chocolate goodness!
Cette tablette de chocolat est succulente et je ne me sens pas trop coupable lorsque j'en mange car c'est du chocolat noir.
La tablette de chocolat noir du Pérou
2 reviews
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Save $-8.79
Cette tablette est confectionnée avec un chocolat noir à 65% de cacao en provenance du Pérou, qui a une amertume douce et des notes acidulées de fruits rouges. C’est l’un de nos chocolats préférés, long en bouche et crémeux, et particulièrement bien équilibré. Une tablette de chocolat classique qui plaît à coup sûr à tous les amateurs de cacao : du chocolat pur sans ajout d'autres saveurs pour garder l'authenticité de celui-ci.
Vous retrouverez cette tablette de chocolat parmi toute notre offre. Nos tablettes sont vendues individuellement ou en boxes pour les plus gourmands qui souhaitent faire durer le plaisir ou tout simplement l'offrir à leurs proches.
Une vie sans chocolat est une vie où il manque l'essentiel ! Et nous vous le confirmons !
Ingrédients : pâte de cacao, sucre, beurre de cacao, vanille. Peut contenir : lait, blé, soya, gluten, arachides et autres noix.
Ce chocolat est un doux équilibre avec le bon goût du cacao sans être trop sucré.
Dark Florentine Chocolate Bar with Almonds, Honey & Crystallized Oranges
2 reviews
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Save $-8.79
This chocolate bar is our version of the classic Florentine. We make it with our 56% cocoa dark chocolate, roasted almonds, liquid honey and crystallized orange peels.
To make sure all the nut and fruit flavors meld and combine with the dark chocolate, we make a roasted almond paste and we incorporate the honey and crystallized orange peels. We then lay out this paste into a flat cookie that we coat with dark chocolate.
This chocolate bar is part of our collection of 9 exclusive bars, also available in gift boxes of 3 or 5 bars. Not everyone always wants dessert, but there’s always room for a little square of chocolate goodness!
Made with ingredients that do not contain gluten, but may contain traces of gluten
Je savais rien qu’en lisant la description de cette palette de chocolat que j’allais probablement l’apprécier, mais en fait, je l’adore! Le goût est divin et les textures des différents ingrédients ajoutent une certaine touche à la dégustation. Je la recommande à 100%!
Bonjour Laurence,
Nous sommes ravis que notre tablette vous plaise autant :)
Nous vous remercions pour ce beau retour d'expérience.
Belle journée à vous
Martine Coulombe
Des bons chocolats
J'aime les brownies et tous les sortes de chocolats.
La tablette de chocolat noir sans sucre
Regular price
Save $-8.79
Découvrez notre nouvelle tablette de chocolat noir 54 % sans sucre. Retrouvez toutes les saveurs d'un chocolat noir intense et soyeux sans sucre ajouté pour conserver son arôme. Il est sans sucre parce que tout le monde devrait pouvoir profiter de ce chocolat parfait !
Cette tablette est disponible individuellement ou en coffret de 3 ou 5 pour tous les amateurs de chocolat qui en veulent toujours plus et surtout qui ne savent pas se décider pour quelle saveur opter.
Et n'oubliez pas : neuf personnes sur dix aiment le chocolat, la dixième ment !
Balsamico Brownie
2 reviews
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Save $-5.99
Balsamic and chocolate?
You heard right. You may not have tried this combination (or perhaps you have!), but you’re in for a totally divine discovery. This brownie is for adventurous epicureans looking to add a unique touch to their treats! Made with 55% cocoa chocolate, this brownie combines a light balsamic reduction and fresh, juicy raspberry purée. What’s not to love about this unique treat bursting with flavour?
All our brownies may be kept for 2 months in the fridge.
Served cold, its texture is solid but melts in your mouth. Warm it in the oven for a few minutes or in the microwave for a few seconds for an even smoother treat (go ahead and eat it by the spoonful!). Even better – enjoy it warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. A classic!
All of our brownies are made by hand in our very own chocolate laboratory with recipes developed by us, for you (alright, they’re for us too!). We make them all gluten-free because everyone should be able to enjoy this perfect treat; the classic fudgy chocolate brownie!
Made with ingredients that do not contain gluten, but may contain traces of gluten
Ingredients: sugars (sugar, brown sugar) • chocolate (sugar, unsweetened chocolate treated with alkali, unsweetened chocolate, cocoa butter, soy lecithin, vanilla extract) • egg • butter • raspberry • rice flour • balsamic reduction • natural aroma of vanilla • salt. Contains: milk, egg, soy, sulphites. May contain: wheat, peanut and other nuts.
Mon meilleur brownie depuis toujours et cela remonte à au moins 2008 à la succursale sur St-Denis!
Une merveille en bouche
Définitivement mon meilleur depuis toujours!
Fleur de Sel Caramel Brownie
4 reviews
Regular price
Save $-6.59
We love caramel… maybe even a little too much. So we had to create the perfect brownie to satisfy our obsession! This one is a definite favourite and a staple in our collection: an Intense Brownie with chunks of white chocolate and coconut Ivory Brownie, featuring our perfectly sweet and salty homemade fleur de sel caramel.
All our brownies may be kept for 2 months in the fridge.
Served cold, its texture is solid but melts in your mouth. Warm it in the oven for a few minutes or in the microwave for a few seconds for an even softer treat (go ahead and eat it by the spoonful!). Even better – enjoy it warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. A classic!
All of our brownies are made by hand in our very own chocolate laboratory with recipes developed by us, for you (alright, they’re for us too!). We make them all gluten-free because everyone should be able to enjoy this perfect treat; the classic fudgy chocolate brownie!
Made with ingredients that do not contain gluten, but may contain traces of gluten
Je suis une fan de pâtisseries françaises et pas trop chocolat.
MAIS…! Le brownie caramel fleur de sel de Juliette & Chocolat est top! Et le caramel …. Ouf!
Merci petit brownie d’exister
Brownie caramel fleur de sel
Vraiment très savoureux! Le caramel est juste trop bon…on n’y revient toujours. Je l’adore!
Lisa Babin
Brownie Love
I have been a fan of your treats for many years. I still miss the passion fruit caramel.
This brownie is decadent! The caramel on top just adds to it’s deliciousness.
Le meilleur pêché!
La combinaison de la barre ivoire et de l’intense est déjà un succès, avec le caramel fleur de sel en plus, ce brownie est imbattable. À manger en petites bouchées pour faire durer le plaisir!
Classic Brownie
1 review
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Save $-5.49
A creamy smooth 55% dark chocolate brownie garnished with toasted slivered almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts. The crunchier, the better!
All our brownies may be kept for 2 months in the fridge.
Warm it in the oven for a few minutes or in the microwave for a few seconds for an even smoother treat (go ahead and eat it by the spoonful!). Serve it up with a scoop of vanilla ice cream – a classic!
All of our brownies are made by hand in our very own chocolate laboratory with recipes developed by us, for you (alright, they’re for us too!). We make them all gluten-free because everyone should be able to enjoy this perfect treat; the classic fudgy, chocolaty brownie!
Made with ingredients that do not contain gluten, but may contain traces of gluten
Another wild creation from our Chocolate Workshop: a brownie
and an almond croissant combined into one decadent treat!
This brownie features a base of soft, chocolatey brownie
made with semi-sweet dark chocolate, topped with a layer of pure butter
croissant filled with almond cream.
This is topped with more almonds and baked together in the
oven. The result: a little dose of happiness that's very, very indulgent, both
rich and airy, with flavors of dark chocolate, frangipane, and toasted almonds!
In the beginning, there was a brownie. The Intense Brownie is our best-selling brownie. This timeless treat represents everything we love about brownies: a molten dark chocolate square made with 55% cocoa, baked just until crackled on the outside and molten on the inside.
All our brownies may be kept for 2 months in the fridge.
Served cold, its texture is solid but melts in your mouth. Warm it in the oven for a few minutes or in the microwave for a few seconds for an even softer treat (go ahead and eat it by the spoonful!). Even better – enjoy it warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. A classic!
All of our brownies are made by hand in our very own chocolate laboratory with recipes developed by us, for you (alright, they’re for us too!). We make them all gluten-free, because everyone should be able to enjoy this perfect treat; the classic fudgy chocolate brownie!
Made with ingredients that do not contain gluten, but may contain traces of gluten
Il porte très bien son nom ,amatrice de chocolat je suis comblee
Marie Eve Jodoin
Mon préféré!!
Le meilleur à mon avis, intense mais avec un très grand verre de lait c'est super et il fond dans la bouche toujours mon premier achat chez Juliette et chocolat!
Virginie Sciallom
Il mérite bien son nom
Quand j'ai des insomnies la nuit, je sors de mon lit et me dirige vers la cuisine pour manger un brownie intense. Et mon bonheur est intense! Ensuite je me recouche et en général, je me rendors sans problème. Est-ce le chocolat qui me fait du bien? J'en suis persuadée. Alors si vous aussi vous avez des problèmes de sommeil, essayez-les.
Les meilleurs brownies
J'ai gouté ces brownies intenses. Ce sont le meilleurs goutés depuis longtemps. On sent vraiment que Juliette et Chocolat n'a pas lésiné sur le chocolat et qu'il n'a pas été remplacé par d'autres produits. Bravo, je suis accro!!!
Ivory Brownie
7 reviews
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Save $-5.49
A velvety white-chocolate brownie paired with dreamy toasted coconut: inspired by the traditional coconut macaroon!
To make the delectable Ivory brownie, we prepare a rather liquid batter, allowing it to cook longer at a lower temperature without drying out; this gives the brownie its caramelization and smooth, creamy texture.
All our brownies may be kept for 2 months in the fridge.
The Ivory is even better warmed for a few minutes in the oven or a few seconds in the microwave. And for the cherry on top, enjoy it with a scoop of dark chocolate ice cream or coconut sorbet!
All of our brownies are made by hand in our very own chocolate laboratory with recipes developed by us, for you (alright, they’re for us too!). We make them all gluten-free, because everyone should be able to enjoy this perfect treat; the classic fudgy, chocolaty brownie!
Made with ingredients that do not contain gluten, but may contain traces of gluten
the brownie ivoire is the best brownie i've ever had in my life!!! I cried my little gluten-free eyes out the first time I tasted it <3
Mireille Methot
Brownie Ivoire
Merveilleux ce brownie pour une personne qui aime pas vraiment le chocolat celui-ci fait mon affaire est-ce qu'il est dans votre livre de recette si oui je vais me le procurer juste pour cette recette.
As good as usual!
Pamela Soame
This Ivory brownie is the best
What a fantastic treat. It has everything you want in a brownie—perfect texture, the melding of lovely flavours of coconut and white chocolate, and it is moist and sumptuous.
Meilleur brownie!
WoW délicieux 🤤 c’est le meilleur brownie que j’ai mangé depuis longtemps! La noix de coco, miam sublime 👍
Oh merci beaucoup ! Nous sommes ravis que notre brownie vous plaise autant :)
Belle journée !
What happens when a brownie falls for a pecan pie? Find out for yourself! Our Pecan Brownie combines the melt-in-your-mouth texture of sugar pie covered with oven-baked caramelized pecans, all on a bed of slightly bitter chocolate perfectly balancing out the flavours.
All our brownies may be kept for 2 months in the fridge.
Trust the experts on this one: warm it in the oven for a few minutes or in the microwave for a few seconds, and serve up with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream. What a dream!
All of our brownies are made by hand in our very own chocolate laboratory with recipes developed by us, for you (alright, they’re for us too!). We make them all gluten-free, because everyone should be able to enjoy this perfect treat; the classic fudgy, chocolaty brownie!
Made with ingredients that do not contain gluten, but may contain traces of gluten
Ingredients: sugars (brown sugar, corn syrup, sugar, maple syrup) • egg • pecan • chocolate (sugar, unsweetened chocolate treated with alkali, unsweetened chocolate, cocoa butter, soy lecithin, vanilla extract) • butter • rice flour • natural aroma of vanilla • salt. Contains: pecans, milk, egg, soy. May contain: wheat, peanut and other nuts.
Idéal pour les amateurs de pacanes! Ce brownie est plein de saveur … et de pacanes. Tout simplement délicieux.
J’ai commandé en ligne le brownie pacanes car il ne se vend plus en boutique.
Ils sont bons et frais! Avec de la crème glacée vanille c’est parfait!
Excellent !!!!!!!!
Un vrai délice ❤️
Annabelle Légaré
Mon préféré!
Ce brownie est mon préféré!!!! Il a vraiment le goût d'une tarte aux pacanes et il fond en bouche! Je le mange toujours avec une boule de crème glacée à la vanille. La combinaison est parfaite. Miam!
Pistachio-Cranberry Brownie
1 review
Regular price
Save $-7.29
Fruit and nuts have always been perfect pairings for chocolate, especially in the form of a tender brownie! This one is made with our famous 55% cocoa chocolate Intense Brownie. Crunchy pistachios create just the right texture while the cranberries add a fruity, tangy touch. The delightful bitterness of chocolate featuring sweet fruits and crunchy nuts creates a truly irresistible brownie!
All our brownies may be kept for 2 months in the fridge.
Served cold, its texture is solid but melts in your mouth. Warm it in the oven for a few minutes or in the microwave for a few seconds for an even softer treat (go ahead and eat it by the spoonful!). Even better – enjoy it warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. A classic!
All of our brownies are made by hand in our very own chocolate laboratory with recipes developed by us, for you (alright, they’re for us too!). We make them all gluten-free because everyone should be able to enjoy this perfect treat; the classic fudgy chocolate brownie!
Made with ingredients that do not contain gluten, but may contain traces of gluten
A brownie that’s 100% gluten-free and vegan, but also 100% intense and decadent, because we’ve doubled the chocolate! The best of both worlds.
We found it hard to come by a rich and velvety vegan brownie, so we just had to create our own. The result is a gooey, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate treat that’s earned a spot as a staple on our menu!
All our brownies may be kept for 2 months in the fridge.
Gently warm it in the oven for a few minutes or in the microwave for a few seconds for an even smoother treat.
All of our brownies are made by hand in our very own chocolate laboratory with recipes developed by us, for you (alright, they’re for us too!). We make them all gluten-free, because everyone should be able to enjoy this perfect treat; the classic fudgy, chocolaty brownie!
Made with ingredients that do not contain gluten, but may contain traces of gluten
Crunchy bomb covered with our mix of milk chocolate and oven-roasted hazelnut bits.
We created our bomb collection with the goal of offering you the dreamiest sweet treat out there. It’s the perfect treat when you want to enjoy a little moment of pleasure, put everything on pause and savour something truly delectable. It’s the treat you’ll reach for when those insatiable chocolate cravings hit. And for us, that’s quite often!
The bomb combines everything we’re crazy about: a crunchy shell that crackles in your mouth, a creamy molten centre, an intense burst of chocolate... Is your mouth watering too?
Appréciation du rocher croustillant praliné au chocolat au lait et noisettes caramélisées
J'ai tout adoré, la texture croustillante, le goût sucré et salé. Génial, c'était parfait en bouche, un vrai délice.
Manon Larivière
Un délice pour les papilles!
Zulyma Munozdiaz
Excellente attention
Félicitation à tout l'équipe de Juliette & Chocolat, votre service est vraiment exceptionnel. En concernant à votre Rocher croustillant praliné son goût, sa texture et la combinaison des ingrédients est formidable, une très bonne option à partager et à offrir.
Un vrai délice!
Trop bon ! J’aime la texture, c’est moelleux et le goût.
A crunchy confection made with
Belgian milk chocolate, spéculoos paste,
and puffed rice.
A little cube of sweet and crunchy
happiness that marries the smoothness of milk chocolate with the unique spiced
flavor of spéculoos.
This confection is crafted in our
Chocolate Lab; we lay down our spéculoos praline
in large sheets, which we cut in perfect little cubes, that we then pass
through a curtain of melted chocolate, for a final layer of smooth milk
To make our spéculoos paste, we
grind into a smooth paste those famous Belgian cookies spiced with cinnamon,
cloves, nutmeg, and ginger. It’s this paste that gives our rochers their particular
caramelized notes that linger on the tongue.
Appréciation du rocher croustillant praliné au spéculoos
C'est excellent, tout est bien dosé. C'était parfait en bouche, un vrai délice.
Marie-Eve Desjardins
Tout simplement délicieux!
Le fondant du chocolat, le craquant du riz soufflé et le petit coup de fouet des épices des biscuits spéculoos font de ce rocher un délice incontournable!
Marie-Berthe Laporte
Je n'y ai pas goûter encore. J'ATTENDS UNE OCCASION SPÉCIALE COMME l'Action de grâce
Chocolate puffed rice Salami
4 reviews
Regular price
Save $0.00
The illusion is perfect!
As this is not an actual sausage, but indeed a chocolate sausage!
Crafted from dark chocolate, with inclusions of puffed rice, dried fruits, and nuts, it slices like a real sausage, and can be enjoyed as a dessert or for a snack!
An intensely chocolaty treat, with a fruity touch brought by the cranberries and apricots!
Amusant emballage et parfait cadeau d'hôte ou pour Noël ou pour les gourmands!
Vraiment Fucking bon mangez en 2 jours miammmm
Saucissons surprises
J'avais acheté trois saucissons pour donner comme cadeaux de Noël; mon mari, mon frère et mon beau-frère/ un chacun.
Mon mari a adoré, les deux autres n'ont pas encore goûté. Pour ma part, j'ai aimé mais j'ai eu un goût de noix vieillies, dans quelques bouchées.
Très bon "saucisson" !!!
Je cherchais depuis longtemps du chocolat avec du riz soufflé et le saucisson de Juliette est parfait ! Beaucoup de noix et de riz, le tout enrobé de chocolat... Mmmmh, que demander de plus ?
Blonde chocolate bar with maple cream fudge and candied pecans
6 reviews
Regular price
Save $-8.79
Here is a purely indulgent chocolate bar: blonde chocolate filled with maple syrup cream fudge (homemade, of course!) and maple-roasted and sugared pecans. Yum!
Blonde chocolate is white chocolate that has been cooked at a low temperature for a very long time, giving it a golden color and a taste of caramelized biscuit.
After being poured into the mold, the blonde chocolate is topped with cream fudge, and chopped and oven-roasted pecans to bring out the flavor, and then cooked again in maple syrup until they take on a frosted appearance (this is called "sugaring" the nuts).
And as we wanted a packaging worthy of this unique bar, we collaborated with Montreal artist Whatisadam (WIA), who designed a colorful and fun illustrated case for us!
Superbe, quel beau moment de vie de le laisser fondre et sentir les morceaux de sucre à la crème. Pur bonheur.
Pierrette Cote
tablette chocolat
Produit de grande qualité et prix très respectable
Sylvie Paquette
Différente des autres tablettes de chocolat ,elle est très bonne , très onctueuse et son goût de sucre à la crème est délicieux. C'est une de mes préférées. Miam !
Caramel has a very special place in our lives as professional gourmets; it’s one of our most beloved ingredients. We absolutely had to create a spread that was up to our rigorous expectations. This dreamy spread is creamy, smooth, and overflowing with caramel. We even added a dash of
fleur de sel, which creates a delicious balance and tickles your taste buds. This spread is a definite must-have in our collection.
Enjoy it by the spoonful, with fresh bread, for dessert or for breakfast. We even like to add it to our yogurt or fresh fruit for a little extra sweetness!
All of our spreads are handmade in our chocolate laboratory and are gluten-free, so that all gourmets can enjoy them!
Speculoos pronounced “speck-you-lows”, also known as Saint Nicholas cookies, are spiced shortbread cookies that originate in Belgium. Although everyone has a different variation of the cookie, the most common distinct ingredients are: cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger and, of course, butter. The cookies are divine and can be used to create brilliant recipes such as cheesecakes, chocolate bonbons, crumbles, ice-cream cookie sandwiches and so much more. Our spread is therefore very tasty and will satisfy all those with a sweet tooth. The caramel touch creates a delicious balance and tickles your taste buds.
It was made by hand in our chocolate laboratory in Longueuil. You can find it online but also in all our restaurants.
Ingredients: Cream 35% (cream, carrageenan) • Sugars (sugar, glucose) • Speculoos paste (wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil, brown sugar syrup, sodium bicarbonate, soy flour, salt, cinnamon, citric acid ) • Butter • Water • Salt. Contains: Milk, Wheat, Soy. May contain: peanuts and other nuts.
Our version of the famous Nutella spread! In addition to the classic, mild taste of hazelnut and chocolate, we’ve added crunchy crushed hazelnuts to obtain a totally dreamy texture. From the moment we created this perfect spread, we have to admit that we’ve been a little obsessed–OK, totally obsessed!
Enjoy it by the spoonful, with fresh bread, for dessert or for breakfast. We even like to add it to our yogurt or fresh fruit for a little extra sweetness!
All of our spreads are handmade in our chocolate laboratory and are gluten-free, so that all gourmets can enjoy them!
c'est un très petit pot qui m'a couter la rondelette somme de 22 $ avec la livraison et le produit est vraiment ordinaire dommage je ne commanderez plus jamais sur votre site
Succulent!! Cette tartinade se mange à la cuillère tellement c’est bon!
Myriam Cyr
Tartinade chocolat
Je ne sais pas c'est un cadeau offert mais j'ai reçu comme commentaire qu'il était succulent!
Étant celiac je trouves que votre logo indiquant « sans gluten » induit en erreur malgré que votre produit est fait de base avec des ingrédients normalement sans gluten. Peut-être enlever le logo serait une bonne idée.
The Tartinette: the Cocoa & Hazelnut Spread - 500g jar
6 reviews
Regular price
Save $-14.79
Do you love madly, truly, deeply the Tartinette?
This 500g jar is for you and your family.
Roasted hazelnuts and cacao, made 100% local and palm oil-free.
Enjoy it by the spoonful, with fresh bread, for dessert or for breakfast. We even like to add it to our yogurt or fresh fruit for a little extra sweetness!
All of our spreads are handmade in our chocolate laboratory and are gluten-free so that all gourmets can enjoy them!
Made with ingredients that do not contain gluten, but may contain traces of gluten